At the end of a long day, and a too-long time, at the dayjob, what greater pleasure could there be than meeting up with a friend for dinner? That is exactly what The Smiler and I did a couple of weeks ago.
I've been The Ship Inn before, and was keen to return for a second

visit. Although it was empty when we arrived- yes, 6pm is the end of a long day if you start it early enough!- it did not feel soulless like some places can. It would be classed as a gastropub but somehow manages to avoid the cliches; it has the feel of a very laid back restaurant, and despite the obvious nautical theming, pulls it off without resorting to kitschness or ending up plain tacky.
The menus are always fun to read and agony to chose from- everything from fresh seafood to steaks and pubgrub.
The Smiler decided that the homemade tortillas accompanying the Chili Con Carne were too good to resist, and they did not disappoint. Her choice made me hanker after autumnal foods, and because I had resolved to order seafood in a coastal town, after lots of deliberation I chose the smoked haddock risotto. This came with a poached egg and shaved parmesan on top and was wonderful.
I'll let you into a secret: I'm not a huge egg fan, spent 10 years of my life avoiding them, and only now am I beginning to start to appreciate them. So the fact that this dish was a hit with me even when topped with a poached egg shows just how good it was.

Risotto and smoked haddock are both wonderful comfort foods, in fact poached smoked haddock is such a comfort food that it has been known to cure a hangover for me. On this occasion however there was no hangover, just succulent chunks of haddock amidst creamy risotto. The poached egg yolk poured out adding richness to the rice and adding a subtle flavour to the rice base.
Overall it was gorgeous; one I will be trying at home, and although the portion seemed small, like all risotto it was perfectly filling.