It was therefore with mixed feelings that I received a present from The Fiesta: a bag of Moroccan Mint loose herbal tea from The Cragg Sisters Tearoom in Aldeburgh- it could be good, it could be sickly, which way would it go?
Even just opening the bag released such a stream of minty freshness that my sinuses felt comprehensively invigorated. It consisted of green gunpowder tea leaves mixed with dried peppermint leaves, and best of all for me, no sugar.
A pot of this tea was made in due course and I was delighted that I'd never imagined mint tea could taste this good. It was the tea equivalent of the difference between freshly ground quality coffee and mediocre instant stuff. The green gunpowder tea base gives the tea a strong backbone and staying power on top over which the clean taste of the peppermint can shine without becoming overwhelming. 9/10 for head clearing aromatic freshness.
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